Check WX (turbulence, track visibility)
Burn copy of AR track info from APX / B
Compare track coordinates to CFP
Compute takeoff time
Do fuel plan
Draw map of AR track
Check IP to CP distance (normally 15 minutes, 100 NM, 4000 lbs)
CP to Bingo normally 150 NM
CP to Exit normally 30 minutes, 200 NM
Normal AR airspeed: 275 KCAS; Rendezvous @ 280KCAS (AR/1-1)
Max AR airspeed: 290 KCAS for pitch sensitivity
Min AR airspeed: 260 KCAS for aileron effectiveness
Overrun airspeed: 255 KCAS; maintain track & altitude; (Tanker: 310; adjust track
& altitude)
Base altitude for planning FL250
Heavyweight AR: >270,000# (by FCIF)
Fuel Transfer Rates: KC-10: 4500ppm; KC-135: 5900ppm, Reverse 1600ppm
KC -10
25° -25°
10° -10°
20° -40°
20° -35°
1/2 Thru Turn
Rollout Airspeeds
> 5 mi. - MRT/330
>3 miles - 330 knots / .82
5 mi. - MRT/315
3 mi. - 315 / .80
4 mi. - 280 (until tanker rollout)
2 mi. - 315 / .80
3 mi. - possible overrun (255)
1 mi. - 295 / .78 / AR+20
½ mi. - 285 / .76 / +10
Contact - 275 / .75 / +0
1 ft/ sec - closure rate from pre-contact to contact. (4-1)
After level off: Calculate fuel at
ARCP and compare to required at CP to verify recovery capability (no
longer mandatory but highly recommended).
45 minutes prior to ARCT: Calculate required onload
(no longer mandatory).
30 minutes prior to ARCT: Monitor A/R Primary; Radar to BCN (NLT IP) (but check
wx occasionally).
Cockpit setup: Adjust seat, set MFD marker to tankers turn range,
set MFD to AR mode (8 NM lines), set 275 in pilots command marker, set 280 in CPs
marker, set MRT in Mach command markers
Rendezvous check: (Before descent / NLT 15 min prior to ARCT).
15 minutes prior to ARCT (near IP): Initial call to receiver (AR/1-2)
[EMCON 2 - Call sign, altitude, on time/ahead/behind].
Air-to-Air TACAN: KC-135 range only, PACER CRAG range & bearing, KC-10 range & bearing, 200NM max range.
Clearance: Down track, in block altitude, to primary AR freq.
Tanker early: Holds at ARCP, left turns (normal). If no contact - holds 10 min.
after ARCT, carries 15 minutes extra fuel.
Receiver Early: Hold at ARIP, right turns at cruise altitude but no lower
than 4k above AR altitude, best endurance + 10 or stall speed @ 30° bank + 25 knots;
descend at 2500 fpm min from IP to rendezvous altitude.
Tanker must confirm receiver altitude before turning toward receiver.
Rendezvous: Slow to 280 knots; must ID beacon NLT ARIP (if not
call tanker & verify position); calculate offset & turn range (drift from Airdrop
page, TAS from Plan/Temp page); radar on beacon and min range that will show tanker at DME
distance (walk radar down), radar set to 25 & WX, when DME hits turn range start
clock, get skin paint (tilt 1/2° up, then 10/DME), walk radar tilt up as range shortens,
tanker turn half way (KC-135 = 1 minute, KC-10 or Pacer CRAG = 1 min 12 seconds),
compare forward distance and instruct CP to accelerate, hold, or slow to 255 for over-run
(tanker 310); IFF to NORM at 6 miles (TCAS); radar to 5 miles; decelerate at 1 3/4 miles for heavyweight; must be visual
at 1 NM (2 NM any cell ops); 295 @ 1 (hard airspeed); Precontact Check
complete by
1/2; 285 @ 1/2; must be cleared to contact (PDI forward lights OK)
Alternate Rendezvous (loose A/A TACAN): a. Radar Beacon b.
c. UHF/DF d. Radar vectors
Top strobe - OFF, bottom strobe - RED (no strobes select LOWER)
Receiver must pause in the precontact position before closing to contact.
Closure PDI lights: Steady > 10 ft; Flashing 5 to 10 ft; Out <
5 ft
PDI lights go out during contact - disconnect and move to precontact
PDI lights flash - breakaway
Max 50 PSIG fuel pressure during transfer
Missed Rendezvous: (Don't have the tanker in sight by the CP) Both aircraft make left turns at CP and cross CP at 8
minute intervals; attempt to make visual contact.
KC-10: 4.5k ppm transfer (3 pumps); 400k GW; 270k max offload; no-wind
offset 10 NM; turn range 22; burble 200 ft; contact trim down; dont use
HF radio in contact, formatting altitude 5-6k lower than KC-135 due to downwash; formatting chart gives
only 200
fpm climb.
KC-135: 5.9k ppm transfer; 150k GW; 90k max offload; offset
8 NM; turn
range 18; burble 100 ft; contact trim up; 35° down limit (binding; intermediate fly up light @ 34.5°); formatting chart gives 300 fpm climb.
PACER CRAG KC-135 Differences: 180k GW; offset 10NM; turn range
22NM; 1 minute 12 seconds for half turn.
Formation: Add 1 to turn range for each extra tanker; add 1 to turn range if
#2 has beacon, 2 if #3; 2 miles vis required for any formation (receiver or tanker).
Example: Refueling with 3 tankers and tanker #3 has the beacon. Add 2 miles for
the 3 tankers and add 2 miles for #3 carrying the beacon for a total of 4 miles
added to the calculated turn range, required visibility is 2 miles. Number 1
tanker beacons/strobes red over red, # 2 white over white.
EMCON 2: Radio Calls: Initial call 15 min prior to ARCT; Altitude &
ETA changes, Precontact; override boom latching brief; Post AR report (EMCON 2 is normal)
EMCON 3: Everything "As Required" ; EMCON 4 =
Monitor com radios
Use EMCON 1 when training (tanker or receiver) is in progress
AR Anchor: 50 NM legs separated by 20 NM, Left turns
DF Rendezvous: Start transmitting at least 40 NMs apart, 10 sec transmit (end with call sign), 10 sec off,
repeat until in sight, tanker turns at 26°
To reduce wing fatigue, begin AR prior to burn-off of fuel from outboard main
tanks, approx. 33k lbs
Don't exceed 8° pitch until AR is over and fuel distribution
is back to normal
AR terminated & clear of tanker: ATC clearance; Post AR
checklist; Offload
Boomer loses ability to disconnect when AR system in OVERRIDE
Flight Engineer can accomplish emergency disconnect by depressing and
holding RESET button
READY light means slipway door open and locked, AR Master switch ON
Following retraction of boom from UARRSI, FE must press and release RESET
button to return signal amp to READY mode
If signal amp fails, AR can still be accomplished (with approval of override
boom latching procedures) by placing mode select switch to OVRRRIDE
Look up AR track in the appropriate APX / B: ARIP, ARCP, checkpoints, exit,
CR Plan, altitudes, controlling unit and ATC authority
CR Plan: a. 352.6 AR Primary, b. 260.2 AR secondary, c. 1-2-2 KC-135 beacon
code (number of lines, displayed on radar with first number on bottom), d. 2/1
KC-10 beacon code (always 2 bars separated by 2 x first number in nautical
miles), e. 50/113 TACAN channel (we set lower A/A T/R Y)
This will include, but not be limited to, excessive rate of closure, closure
overrun and engine failure. The airplanes do not have to be in contact to call a
breakaway. Announce ("Tanker call sign, Breakaway, Breakaway,
Tanker turns on lower rotating beacon and flashes PDI lights
Disconnect (P& CP); Copilot keep tanker in sight.
Throttles - IDLE
Descend - To bottom of block if you lose sight of the tanker, 500' if multiple
receivers (AR 31/5-1)
Terminate - When well clear
1. Inadvertent Disconnect: Any unplanned disconnect AND [rapid aft
disconnect causing mechanical separation OR boom pullout occurs at 38°
elevation or lower (KC-135)]
2. Controlled Tension Disconnect: Intentional, gradual, last resort
brute force disconnect
Terminate unless fuel emergency or ops necessity to continue. If boom/UARRSI damage consider leaving on AR MASTER switch (don't push
disconnect switches)
Maintain position
Depress the disconnect button
Eng. - press & hold the A/R RESET button OR place the A/R MASTER Switch OFF.
If toggles have not released, open the AR control CB(39-L)
If toggles do not release, close the CB, return A/R MASTER Switch to ON,
Pilot/copilot depress the DISC buttons.
Last resort - brute force
If failure of the receiver signal amplifier occurs, the boom may be latched in the receptacle
by placing the MODE SELECT switch to OVERRIDE. The receiver pilot must initiate all
disconnects. Refer to (AR 31/5-3) (Mission operational directives will indicate when
override boom latching procedures may be used.)
Move well clear of tanker.
Attempt to close the A/R door; if the door closes, other problems are indicated (refer
to 1C-31).
If it does not close: (hyd fuse has set)
Depressurize hyd sys #2 to reset the fuse
Reposition flight control switches
Repressurize hyd. Sys. #2
Check for normal A/R door operation
Reposition flight control switches to normal
If, while in position with a KC-10, the boomer tells you he has a flight control
system failure, maintain position (don't disconnect) and await further
Spray OK; Siphoning boomer stops, our option to continue; Spillage
must stop
Terminate refueling immediately (and call "Breakaway") unless contingency
Must be airborne by AVANA (Altitude reservation Void if Aircraft Not Airborne)
time, normally one hour after ALTRV (Altitude Reservation) departure time,
but if you depart late the ALTRV time stays the same - you must make up the time
or coordinate for ALTRV time change
MARSA (Military Assumes Responsibility for Separation of Aircraft): tanker should accept prior to ARIP; begins after ARIP
Receiver seat change: 100 in trail...
Inop. Yaw Damper: OK except for PNAF missions.
500 below
Tip of boom on nose of tanker
left PDI lights above knee
ruddervators cradle pod
boomers window near the top of the
inboard flap track drive on leading edge
of wing
500 below
in wing root.
left PDI lights above left
tanker tail-cone-top of
drain mast on edge of fuselage
boomers window at top of
small gap between UHF antenna
& rivets
Climb to AR altitude: GW< 240,000#: 3500-3800 ppm
GW 240 -290K: 4000-4300 ppm
GW>290,000#: 4500-4800 ppm
Radar Tilt: 10 / DME ( e.g., 5 DME = 10 / 5, Tilt = 2 )
Start turn: 1°
½ way through turn: 2°
Rollout: 3°
2 NM: 5°
1 NM 10°
½ NM 13°
Safety Observer, Monitor AR lights, Guard disconnect button, Relieve pilot,
Ensure boom clearance, Ensure aircraft separation after disconnect