Takeoff and Landing ( may be made if ):
The thunderstorm or CB's and gust front, if present, can be avoided.
The distance from the storm is increased ASAP after T.O. to meet
the 10/20 NM criteria.
The aircraft is not flown below thunderstorms, CB's, or through the rain
shaft associated with these clouds.
A missed approach course from the missed approach point is available which
will provide separation similar to that for departure. (A/6-7)
An a/c will not be flown at night unless it is
equipped with operative position, anti-collision, cockpit instrument, and
landing lights. (F/2-12,5-24)
Other than appropriate navigational equipment, flights
conducted in IMC also require: (1) operative pitot heat, and (2) operational
icing control equipment designed to cope with the type and severity of known or
forecast icing conditions, except for a brief exposure when climbing or
descending. (F/2-12)